IPF/SPR SEMINAR EUROPEAN OUTLOOK September 2023 Seminar Presentation




Seminar Presentation

Chair : Alan Dalgleish 
Speakers : Innes Mcfee , Oxford Economics
                 Oliver Kummerfeldt, Schroder Real Estate Investment Management

The Joint IPF/SPR European Outlook Seminar will be held this Autumn on Wednesday, 20th September. This year we are once again holding an evening event, with registration from 17.15 for an 18.00 start, followed by drinks. The event will finish by 19.45 and be held at Schroders’ offices at 1 London Wall Place, London EC2Y 5AU.

We have a high-quality and experienced lineup of speakers. The event will be chaired by Megan Walters, Global Head of Research at PIMCO Prime Real Estate. As at last year’s event, there will be no shortage of topics to discuss about the latest developments in the economy and European real estate investment trends. The opening presentation will be given once again by Innes McFee, Chief Global Economist at Oxford Economics who will take the opportunity to explore the extent to which central banks will continue to use tighter monetary policy to bring inflation under control and the implications for interest rates and growth.

We will then explore the implications for real estate investment patterns and returns in key European markets. Beatrice Guedj, Head of Research and Innovation at Swiss Life Asset Managers, will lead this part of the event. There will then be a panel session and audience Q&A that will respond to both the issues raised in the presentations and other broader factors affecting real estate investment, alongside emerging risks and opportunities. The panellists will include the speakers and Oliver Kummerfeldt, Head of European Real Estate Research at Schroders Capital.

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