Managing Currency Risk
Exchange rate fluctuations can substantially alter the expected risk and return characteristics of international real estate investment. This research looked at current industry practice in managing exchange rate risk, how currency risk management is integrated into the decision-making process, the reasons investors choose to hedge risk or not and which instruments they use and other issues arising in respect of currency risk management.
This seminar provides an opportunity to hear the University of Cambridge research team present their findings and discuss the practicalities of managing currency risk with leading industry participants. The report and seminar seek to shed light on this increasingly important investment consideration and help in developing a common understanding of good practice for those global real estate investors exposed to currency risk.
David Dix
The Townsend Group
Colin Lizieri
University of Cambridge - Real Estate Research Centre
Nick Mansley
University of Cambridge - Real Estate Research Centre
Clemens Schafer
Deutsche Asset Management
Jonathan Lye
JC Rathbone Associates
Philip Barrett
PGIM Real Estate